ECRAN Secretariat

ECRAN Secretariat

ECRAN Secretariat follows and builds further the structure and practice established under the predecessor project, the Regional Environmental Network for Accession (RENA).

Staff of the Secretariat assists the implementation of the planned activities under Environment, Climate and Horizontal components. Apart from the provision of support to the implementation of planned activities and work of the key and non-key ECRAN experts, as under the RENA, the Secretariat maintains the relations with beneficiaries and other stakeholders, provides relevant information as needed and requested, including the update and maintenance of the website and Helpdesk.

The Secretariat staff is responsible for establishment and maintenance of the communication with TAIEX Unit in relation to the capacity building and other activities organised by ECRAN with the TAIEX support. Being the new part of the project in comparison to the predecessor RENA, special efforts of the proposed Secretariat staff are placed to the provision of support to the EF NGO component of the project, especially its start up activities and organisation of subsequent preparatory and annual meetings.

ECRAN Secretariat is based in Vienna and Belgrade. The activities of the Secretariat include, but are not limited to the following:

Activity CC.2: ECRAN Secretariat

1. Support to the Client, beneficiary institutions and other identified key stakeholders;
2. Organisation of the Steering Committee Meetings, Ministerial and Working Group Annual meetings;
3. Organisation and implementation of the EF NGO preparatory and annual meetings as well as planned capacity building activities;
4. Coordination with TAIEX Unit in organisation of capacity building activities (including identification of TAIEX experts, nomination of representatives from the beneficiary countries, etc.);
5. Coordination with TAIEX Unit in preparation of training evaluations;
6. Assist ECRAN project team in implementation of all technical aspects of the project, including set up and maintenance of collaboration with local stakeholders, relevant projects, CSOs, NGOs, collection of relevant data and preparation of reports and manuals, provision of country specific information to be uploaded on the project website;
7. Advise and assist the beneficiary institutions, CSOs and NGOs in the process of implementation of project related activities;
8. Assist stakeholders to promote best practice;
9. Assist stakeholders to link with other environmental institutions and networks in order to promote joint planning of services;
10. Provision of complete logistics support to the beneficiaries and project team during organisation of relevant project activities;
11. Quality control of relevant materials and supporting documents, communication with all focal points, working group coordinators and local project short term experts, preparation of the minutes of meetings, preparation of monthly and other reports, drafting the training reports;
12. Provision of inputs for preparation of interim reports.