Handbook EU Climate Acquis
The objective of this activity is to provide Handbook for Implementation of EU Climate Legislation.
Handbook will provide framework, and step-by-step guidance, on the approaches and specific activities
required to implement EC climate legislation, including:
- a series of overview chapters which set out a framework for planning the implementation of the
legislation contained within that particular environmental sector;
- a series of fiches containing information and guidance about each legal act presented in the
Acquis Guide;
- a Reference Source.
The Handbook will provide an overview of European Community climate legislation and its
implementation, but the actual legislative text must always be taken as the definitive reference.
The Handbook is aimed at officials (legislators, civil servants, planners, environmental advisers, etc.) in
national, regional and local government agencies in the candidate countries and the potential candidates
who have responsibilities for the planning, management, and implementation of environmental laws
and programmes. However, the Handbook may also be of interest to other parties in the candidates
countries and the potential candidates such as people working in industrial and commercial sectors
affected by the legislation, and non-governmental organisations (NGOs).