4th Screening Workshop on WFD Program of Measures in Drina River Basin

Date: 15-17.09.2015
Place: Tirana, Albania
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit

Through the first two screening workshops organized in 2014, the participants were introduced into the specific EU water terminology, different policies and regulatory frameworks as well as various techniques and tools for screening and evaluation, for implementing the EU water directives, specifically the preparation of the Program of Measures (PoM)

Within the third screening workshop (11-12 March 2015) the methodology for drafting the Drina RBM Plan and its Program of Measures has been presented and discussed, with the view to support the countries efforts towards the preparation of the PoM. Based on received screening templates, the participants contributed with their national contributions following the methodology prepared. Further, at the workshop, the participants had investigated the needs of specific components in terms of background documents, screening templates assessments, training or workshops.

All three screening workshops organised so far contributed greatly to facilitate transfer of knowledge, experiences and lessons learned through capacity building activities.

As the concept and the methodology of the Drina RBM Plan and its Program of Measures has been accepted, together with the packages of actions and activities needed for their implementation, the work will continue with next steps towards PoM development, according to Task 2.3.2 which will be the main focus of the 4th Screening Workshop

Specifically, the participants will make use of the results obtained during the 3rd screening workshop regarding the selection of the SWMIs and now will link the SWMIs with the vision and management objectives and the program of measures. Further, the approach for performing the pressures assessment for pollution sources – point and diffuse sources will be discussed. The participants will practice for the use of templates for concluding emission inventories in line with EU requirements

Objectives of the Workshop:

Wider Objectives:
to acknowledge, encourage and mobilize efforts towards WFD implementation as a key to reaching the good water status in the Drina River basin through the capacity building activities within the frame of ECRAN project.

Specific Objectives

  • To present and discuss the next steps of the methodology of preparing the Program of Measure, as the key component of the producing the Drina RBM Plan, following the logical flow of steps in line with the WFD
  • Presentation of the concept or pressures assessment
  • Introduction of national contributions and related compilation of the inputs in relation to emission inventories
  • Continuation of the preparatory process of setting up the Drina PoM through further detailing of the methodology with economic components
  • To share information, exchange views on experience implementing the economic aspects of WFD Article 9 and to get an improved understanding of the common difficulties encountered
  • To present the cost effectiveness analysis concept and identify relevant developments and needs for future work relating to WFD economics
  • Presentation of national cost recovery case studies and discussion of lessons learned
  • Approaching issues linked to disproportionate costs and payments for environmental services
  • To present the reference and concept documents required for implementation process
  • To discuss the needs of the countries and possible options of support through the activities of ECRAN project, including training needs
  • Facilitate dialogue among the countries on specific concepts and actions that are needed to ensure WFD implementation
  • To explore any national obstacles (involvement and commitment, data and methodologies, coordination and cooperation, capacity building needs) towards implementing the WG Water tasks and identify possible solutions
  • To brainstorm and discuss the activities (guidance, capacity building, and practical case studies) needed for performing the economic analysis in line with WFD requirements in the Drina RB and involvement of participant countries.

Expected Results of the workshop:

  • Improved understanding of the topics, challenges and tasks, and related responsibilities along the development of the Program of Measures, in line with WFD
  • Exchange of experiences and knowledge significantly improved
  • Key obstacles impeding the tasks implementation and related solutions identified
  • Active involvement of the participants through the preparation of case studies for three topics (emission inventories, cost recovery, payment for environmental services)
  • Guidance documents related to the WG tasks discussed and clarified