Date: 15-17.09.2015
Place: Tirana, Albania
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit
Through the first two screening workshops organized in 2014, the participants were introduced into
the specific EU water terminology, different policies and regulatory frameworks as well as various
techniques and tools for screening and evaluation, for implementing the EU water directives,
specifically the preparation of the Program of Measures (PoM)
Within the third screening workshop (11-12 March 2015) the methodology for drafting the Drina
RBM Plan and its Program of Measures has been presented and discussed, with the view to support
the countries efforts towards the preparation of the PoM. Based on received screening templates,
the participants contributed with their national contributions following the methodology prepared.
Further, at the workshop, the participants had investigated the needs of specific components in
terms of background documents, screening templates assessments, training or workshops.
All three screening workshops organised so far contributed greatly to facilitate transfer of
knowledge, experiences and lessons learned through capacity building activities.
As the concept and the methodology of the Drina RBM Plan and its Program of Measures has been
accepted, together with the packages of actions and activities needed for their implementation, the
work will continue with next steps towards PoM development, according to Task 2.3.2 which will be
the main focus of the 4th Screening Workshop
Specifically, the participants will make use of the results obtained during the 3rd screening workshop
regarding the selection of the SWMIs and now will link the SWMIs with the vision and management
objectives and the program of measures. Further, the approach for performing the pressures
assessment for pollution sources – point and diffuse sources will be discussed. The participants will
practice for the use of templates for concluding emission inventories in line with EU requirements
Objectives of the Workshop:
Wider Objectives:
to acknowledge, encourage and mobilize efforts towards WFD implementation as a key to reaching
the good water status in the Drina River basin through the capacity building activities within the
frame of ECRAN project.
Specific Objectives