ECRAN National Mission: INDC preparation for Montenegro

Date: 15.07.2015
Place: Podgorica, Montenegro
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat

Montenegro is in the process of defining its intended nationally determined contribution (INDC) to be submitted to the UNFCCC Secretariat prior to the Paris COP. A request was submitted to ECRAN by the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism to provide support in elaboration of a technical document which can serve the basis of the government’s process to define the INDC Montenegro wishes to submit before 1 October to the UNFCCC.

The time horizon available for the preparation of the INDC does not allow new modelling and assessment work to be conducted for the preparation of the technical basis of INDC. The technical document supporting the beneficiary can assess and summarize the existing analytical work on emission scenario modelling and make an effort to develop potential pathways which can define the action to be captured in the INDC. It can also make recommendations on the potential types of INDC which would have relevance for Montenegro and provide a template with the suggestion for INDC which would help the beneficiary to prepare the actual submission to the UNFCCC after government approval.