Regional Workshop on Strategic Planning in Water Sector

Date: 03-04.06.2015
Place: Podgorica, Montenegro
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat in cooperation with the EC TAIEX Unit

The first introductory workshop on Economic Analysis in accordance with the Water Framework Directive (WFD) took place in October 2014, in Skopje, Macedonia. The workshop was organised with joint participation of Water Management Working Group (WM WG) and the Strategic Planning and Investments Working Group (SPI WG) considering the synergies between the tasks and activities of the two working groups. This joint workshop aimed to establish a common understanding on basic terms, definitions and methodologies used in the economic analysis, on different policies and institutional frameworks of water pricing, as well as on issues linked to efficiencies of water utilities sector.

A more detailed training is foreseen during the Regional Workshop on “Strategic Planning in Water Sector”, aiming to facilitate the understanding and exchange of experience, and transfer of knowledge on the need to prepare planning documents in the water sector to accommodate the EU policies and directives requirements.

The training will consider the main concerns due to different circumstances in the countries and the various interpretations of implications of national legislation has on different water management aspects, including financing of the water related measures.

The principles and requirements of EU water directives relevant for the discussion of sustainable financing in the water sector shall be presented. The participants will be introduced into various techniques and tools for prioritization of water investments based on a set of criteria reflecting not only environmental benefits, but also the cost effectiveness of various measures.

Objective of the Meeting:

  • To benefit of TAIEX assistance for a more profound understanding of key national planning documents required for implementing relevant water Directives, based on countries needs and funding priorities.

Expected Results of the meeting

  • Improved understanding of the topics, challenges and remaining tasks, and related responsibilities along the development of planning documents in line with EU water strategic policies and directives;
  • Clarification of the role of national implementation plans and action plans designed to schedule the EU Directives implementation steps;
  • Key obstacles impeding the tasks implementation and related solutions identified;
  • Exchange of experiences and knowledge significantly improved;
  • Active involvement of the participants.