ECRAN Modelling: Training Module 2

Date: 26-28.05.2015
Place: Istanbul, Turkey
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit

In terms of technical requirements, the focus of the training will be on one specific modelling platform, the Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP) which has been developed by the Stockholm Environmental Institute. Of the 8 beneficiaries 6 are already using LEAP, and one (Kosovo1) has expressed interest in using it. The training program is organized into four modules to be conducted during one year.

The specific objective of the training program is to increase technical capacities in the countries to allow them to build technical capacities to carry out modelling of emission scenarios, with the purpose of enabling them to carry out emission scenario modelling work. The modelling aided scenario work will benefit countries by helping them meet their future EU and UNFCCC reporting requirements, and to form a rational position on national efforts contributing to the EU 2050 roadmap and the 2030 Framework, and may assist them by promoting evidence based planning in energy policy, including in the development of an energy strategy, energy efficiency action plan and renewable energy action plan. Modelling of emission scenarios is part of the EU member state reporting obligations under the current MRV legislative framework.

The first meeting is to give an introduction to the participants to the policy environment, give an introductory training on LEAP as well as provide initial steps in filling the LEAP structure with country relevant data, building up the basic model.

The training part of the second module will focus on definition of scenario types, definition and reporting on policies and measures, projections of drivers of future emissions, costs of technologies.

Expected Results of the Workshop

The following results are expected from the regional exercise:

  • Enhanced technical capacity within the relevant ministries and institutions (in particular ministries responsible for climate, energy, transport, as well as national statistical offices) to implement specific policies and measures to converge with the EU climate change policy and selected EU legislation;
  • Strengthened regional network of experts.
  • Enhanced understanding of the EU Monitoring Mechanism Regulation in connection with reporting on Policies and Measures as well as Emission Projections

1 This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.