Date: 18-20.05.2015
Place: Istanbul, Turkey
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat in cooperation with the EC TAIEX Unit
The 1st Introductory Workshop on Marine Strategy Framework Directive has been organized in
September 2014 (Tirana, Albania). The participants have been familiarized with the main terms,
definitions and principles of MSDF, and the basic MSDF requirements. Further, the participants were
informed on ongoing projects under MSFD for Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea. At the meeting,
suggestions were made on the need to organize a Regional Training, proposed for May 2015.
In connection with the Regional training, the participants have agreed on two themes to be included
as topic or subtopic, which are Streamlined procedure for development of PoM, and the role and
approach to implementation of MSDF for landlocked countries included in the ECRAN project
targeted beneficiaries.
The training shall be tailored to the beneficiary countries selected specific topics. In order to identify
and select country - specific topics, relevant on the national level, which would be approached
during the planned regional training, a questionnaire will be produced and circulate it to the whole
ECRAN project beneficiaries. The country specific topics will be considered in the preparation of the
regional training. Further specific topics will be identified during the planned Regional Training.
The Regional Training on WFD and MSFD will be held in cooperation with TAIEX and with
participation of Black Sea Commission located in Turkey, Istanbul, with the view to maximize the
training benefits through learning experience of the Black Sea Commission in the implementation of
marine specific policies and legislation.
Objective of the Meeting: