National workshop on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in Croatia

Date: 11-12.05.2015
Place: Osijek, Croatia
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit

The authorities as well as other stakeholders at the national and sub-national levels play an important role in SEA/EIA implementation in each ECRAN beneficiary country. Therefore it is important to create a core group of the trainers in the ECRAN countries to ensure the knowledge transfer to the sub-national levels within individual countries. For this purpose, the ‘Training of trainers’ scheme has been developed within ECRAN Environmental Assessment Working Group, which consists of altogether three ToT events inviting 3 trainers from each country. In between the ToT workshops the trainers are supposed to conduct training(s) in their countries. The national workshop on SEA and EIA is the first event within the ToT scheme to be organized in Croatia.

Wider Objective

To increase understanding of a good SEA and EIA practice among the regional authorities.

Specific Objectives

  • To explain main steps of SEA procedure;
  • To identify main existing challenges in SEA and EIA practice in Croatia and formulate suggestions how to solve them;
  • To present how to consider two specific issues – human health and climate change – in SEA and EIA;
  • To illustrate good SEA and EIA practice on case examples;
  • To improve training skills of trainers involved in the ToT scheme.

Expected Results of the meeting

The expected results are:

  1. Increased understanding of a good SEA and EIA practice;
  2. Suggestions on how to address existing challenges in SEA and EIA practice in Croatia are formulated;
  3. Increased training skills of trainers involved in the ToT.