Date: 18-19.03.2015
Place: Tirana, Albania
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit
Waste Framework Directive requires that, in in accordance with the polluter-pays principle, the costs
of disposing of waste must be borne by the holder of waste, by previous holders or by the producers
of the product from which the waste came. Also the cost shall be allocated in such a way as to reflect
the real costs to the environment of the generation and management of waste.
Countries in the region still lack well established methodologies for cost recovery. This problem is
growing with each new investment into waste management operations. Economic instruments,
except of packaging charges, are almost not used. Landfill taxes or similar instruments, which would
support recycling and divert waste from landfilling are still to be developed.
Considering situation in the region, Strategic Planning and Investments WG and Waste Management
WG convenes joint workshop to better assess the situation and propose ways for strengthening of
cost recovery policies and provide wide range of economic instruments in support of source
separation and achieving recycling targets.
Objectives of the Workshop:
Wider Objectives:
To provide practical knowledge on experience of other countries and support establishment of cost-
recovery mechanisms in the region.
Specific Objectives: