Date: 10-12.03.2015
Place: Podgorica, Montenegro
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit
Within the third screening workshop first half day, the 2nd annual working group meeting will take
place. The main objective of the 2nd annual working group meeting, from the perspective of the
Water Management WG consists in reaching consensus on the Water Management WG Work Plan
2015-2016 and identifying topics (key issues and challenges) for developing synergies for capacity
building with other WGs, within the frame of ECRAN project.
Following the 2nd annual meeting, the 3rd screening workshop will be organised with the aims (i) to
present the Work Plan for 2015 – 2016, to facilitate the understanding on the approach to be used
by the WMWG to deliver the expected results of the project for all related tasks, (ii) to present and
discuss the methodology for drafting the Drina RBM Plan and its Program of Measures, (iii)
investigate the needs of specific components in terms of background documents, screening
templates assessments, training or workshops, and (iii) facilitate transfer of knowledge, experiences
and lessons learned through capacity building activities.
It is expected that the final concept and the methodology of the Drina RBM Plan and its Program of
Measures will be accepted, together with the packages of actions and activities needed for their
implementation. In addition, topics such “The role of monitoring programs in performing the
assessment of the water status or the effects of the measures”, “Identification of Significant Water
Management Issues in the Drina RB” as the backbone assessment of any Program of Measures, or
the acknowledgement that the future “Drina RB Joint Program will be a basis for water investments”
shall be introduced by TAIEX and ECRAN project experts.
Objectives of the Workshop:
Wider Objectives:
to acknowledge, encourage and mobilize efforts towards WFD implementation as a key to reaching
the good water status in the Drina River basin through the capacity building activities within the
frame of ECRAN project.
Specific Objectives:
The workshop will contribute to:
- To introduce and get feed back from participants on the Water Management WG
Work Plan for 2015 – 2016
- To benefit of TAIEX assistance for a more profound understanding of key topics and its
implementation based on countries needs and priorities
- To present and discuss the methodology of preparing the Program of Measure, as the key
component of the producing the Drina RBM Plan, following the logical flow of steps in line
with the WFD
- To present the reference and concept documents required for implementation process
- To discuss the needs of the countries and possible options of support through the activities
of ECRAN project, including training needs
- Facilitate dialogue among the countries on specific concepts and actions that are needed to
ensure WFD implementation
- To explore any national obstacles (involvement and commitment, data and methodologies,
coordination and cooperation, capacity building needs) towards implementing the WG
Water tasks and identify possible solutions
- To brainstorm and discuss the activities (guidance, capacity building, practical case studies)
needed for performing the economic analysis in line with WFD requirements in the Drina RB
and involvement of participant countries.
- To select topics reflecting the specificity of the Drina RB which could be approached in an
integrated manner, such as water quantity and quality, climate, droughts and floods) and to
consider actions to assist in the development of synergies for capacity building (training,
guidance) at both national and Drina RB levels.
Expected Results of the workshop:
- WMWG Work Plan 2015 – 2016 accepted and approved
- Guidance documents related to the WG tasks discussed and clarified
- Key obstacles impeding the tasks implementation and related solutions identified
- Enhanced understanding of the topics, challenges and remaining tasks, and related
responsibilities along the implementation
- Exchange of experiences and knowledge significantly improved
- Engagement of participants