2nd ECENA Annual Meeting

Date: 10.02.2015
Place: Vienna, Austria
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat

So far we have implemented the work plan for the year 2014 as agreed on 1st annual meeting in Skopje on January 31, 2014. The defined tasks were taken up with a very positive feedback from the participants, indicating that these were fulfilling the various defined needs and objectives.

Compared with earlier activities under RENA, important elements now are the new developments and approaches in inspection management as required with the adaptations in EU legislation (ref. IED and SEVESO III) and the shift towards more cross cutting issues in enforcement. The attention have been paid to the linkages between the so called brown areas (industry), green areas (nature) and blue areas (water). The latter trend can also been seen in the work programme of IMPEL, the network for environmental inspectors in EU member states. Again IMPEL has been one of the most important networks we have cooperated with. By inviting IMPEL experts in our trainings it was possible to share, explain and train in the various new tools and guidance products provided by this network. We could also notice an increased involvement and membership of ECRAN beneficiary countries in IMPEL, which only can be seen as a positive development in increasing more harmonized approaches in enforcement and sharing of experiences.

In 2014 we have jointly implemented 7 capacity building actions such as technical training workshops, missions, network participation and site visits on various topics as regards the EU environment acquis.

The results of the meeting will be used as input for the ECENA activities under the ECRAN horizontal Component for which the framework was already agreed during the first Annual ECENA Meeting.

We are proposing that the following issues are addressed in this meeting:

- Appropriateness of planned actions under the ECRAN ECENA Component and need for improvements and/or adjustments.
- Maximising benefits and opportunities to be generated though the ECRAN/ECENA Component: follow up actions and coordination with other initiatives
- Agreement on proposed actions in the ECRAN/ECENA 2015 Work plan
- Potential post 2015 ECRAN/ECENA activities.

Finally, the meeting will be used to network between the ECRAN/ECENA country coordinators, ECRAN staff and the European Commission.