Date: 28-29.10.2014
Place: Brussels, Belgium
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit
There is a need for the enlargement countries to start developing concrete climate policies based on
full alignment with the EU Climate acquis and GHG emission reduction targets in the context of EU
2020 Climate and Energy Package, the expected EU 2030 climate and energy framework and the
need to feed into the 2015 international climate agreement.
Climate policy is a horizontal area and there is a need to continue to build critical mass and to
expand the target group from government institutions also to parties that have a role in
implementing key elements of the climate related acquis. These include other line Ministries, but
also industry. In addition, the role of Civil Society Organizations and academia needs to be
strengthened, especially in the field of strategy development in the field of climate. The awareness
and understanding of EU climate change laws, policies, economic benefits and strategies is crucial to
strengthening dialogue and cooperation on climate change between the EU and its partners.
ECRAN has launched a series of four regional workshops to familiarize the beneficiaries with the the
EU 2030 framework for climate and energy and share experiences on modelling and scenarios work,
development of roadmaps and national climate strategies, as well as on setting up of GHG targets.
The first workshop was organized in January 2014 in Zagreb, Croatia and provided an overview of
various types of modelling tools and their application in support of evidence based policy making.
This second workshop will take place on 28-29 October in Brussels and will focus on sharing
information about the achievements and challenges in the UNFCCC process running up to the 2015
Paris COP and exchanging information about the EU and enlargement countries' preparations of
their intended nationally determined contributions (INDCSs) to the 2015 Global Climate Agreement.
Objectives of the Workshop:
The wider objective is to strengthen regional cooperation between the EU candidate countries and
potential candidates in the fields of climate action and to assist them on their way towards the
transposition and implementation of the EU climate policies and instruments which is a key
precondition for EU accession.
The specific objective of the workshop is to promote and establish an enabling environment for
further development of national climate policies converging with EU climate acquis and provide
support for beneficiaries preparing their intended nationally determined contributions to the 2015
Global Climate Agreement.
Expected Results of the workshop
The expected results are: