Regional Training Workshop on linkages between Appropriate Assessment and SEA/EIA

Date: 30-31.10.2014
Place: Zagreb, Croatia
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit

In many beneficiary countries there are still many gaps, misinterpretations and wrong applications of the EIA and SEA Directives. The activities provided under predecessor project RENA have been limited in number and hence more support is needed to assure a strong capacity building for those institutions dealing with the transposition and implementation of these Directives.

Besides the EIA and SEA Directives, other types of environmental assessments are requested by the EU environmental legislation. This regional training workshop will address: Appropriate Assessment (in accordance with Habitat Directive).

Regional training workshop is closely coordinated with the Nature WG of ECRAN in order to discuss the bottlenecks in the implementation of environmental assessments, but also in order to avoid duplication and to promote cooperation between the participants of these three ECRAN Working Groups.


• To introduce similarities and differences between AA and EIA/SEA
• To illustrate the best practice of AA and EIA/SEA application as parallel processes
• To provide recommendations on conducting these processes in the participants ́ countries

Expected Results of the meeting:

The workshop should result in participants understanding of the linkages between AA and EIA/SEA and the efficient way of implementing these processes.