Date: 09.12.2013
Place: Vienna, Austria
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat and EC TAIEX Unit
The tasks implemented under Climate Component of ECRAN are building on the result achieved by
the Climate Change sub-group of the Regional Environmental Network for Accession – RENA (2010-
2013). Under RENA, new projects and activities were developed focusing on converging with EU
Climate acquis in all RENA beneficiaries, in close cooperation and coordination with TAIEX and the
Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA).
RENA significantly contributed to capacity building on the inventory processes in the framework
of the EU’s Monitoring Mechanism for greenhouse gases (the MMD/MMR). Capacity building on
the EU ETS and other EU climate legislation was provided though targeted workshops. A list of
ETS installations in the RENA beneficiaries was prepared. The focus after three years of close co-
operation is now not only on the challenges ahead of us, but also on the opportunities and benefits
that stepped-up cooperation with the EU on climate change will bring. I am very grateful for your,
RENA experts' and the European Commission's (DG CLIMA, DG ENV) commitment and efforts during
this period.
The Final RENA Climate Annual meeting took place on 27 February 2013, where ideas were proposed
for priorities and next steps. The meeting agreed on the ECRAN Climate Orientation Paper, which
presented the proposal for possible regional cooperation activities to be implemented in the period
2013 – 2016. On the basis of this it is now possible to present to you the detailed Climate Work plan,
which is proposed to be implemented in the framework of the follow-up programme ECRAN, the
Environment and Climate Regional Accession Network.
To kick start the ECRAN Climate activities it is appropriate to come together to discuss the next steps
and the modalities of our cooperation. We should therefore discuss the following: