Regional Training for IPA 2 requirements

Date: 10-11.06.2014
Place: Brussels, Belgium
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit

EU environmental acquis approximation process demands numerous actions in transposition and implementation of requirements, building institutional capacities and capabilities, investing into infrastructure. National resources available for approximation process are rather limited. EU financial support is playing a very important role in assisting the acceding countries to address the challenges of the approximation process.

The year 2014 is particularly important for planning of IPA 2 financial assistance for 2014 – 2020 period. The legal framework for IPA 2 has been recently adopted. All the enlargement countries are currently in an intensive programming stage. It is important that the new legal framework, implementation requirements, logic of programming, monitoring and assessment is well understood and capacities and capabilities in ECRAN countries are strengthened to address IPA 2 tasks in the best possible way.

This workshop aims to provide to the representatives from the enlargement countries the possibility to receive detailed information on the content and procedures of the new IPA Regulation and Rules of Implementation, to exchange experiences among countries related to programming and development of national planning documents and to discuss aspects of cross-border nature that could be require financial assistance.

Objectives of the Workshop:

General objective: to develop skills for IPA 2 programming and implementation.

Specific objectives:
• To present information about IPA 2 framework, requirements and procedures,
• To present information about programming requirements,
• To present information about the role of sector leading institutions in IPA 2 programming,
• To clarify financing, monitoring and other specific requirements,
• To exchange experience among countries in preparing for IPA 2.

Expected results of the meeting:

• Presentations delivered,
• Discussions and exchange of information,
• Increased knowledge regarding IPA 2 programming and implementation,
• Minutes and other materials of the meeting.