ECRAN Expert Mission on Natura 2000 Appropriate Assessment

Date: 12.09.2016
Place: Belgrade, Serbia
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit

As a part of pre-accession preparatory process, Serbia has transposed major part of the provisions of both Birds and Habitats Directives including Natura 2000 network. The most important protective tool for future Natura 2000 network is the Appropriate Assessment (AA) pursuant to Art. 6(3) of the Habitats Directive which requires particularly careful transposition. Full transposition of Art. 6(3) is one of the indicators of meeting the obligations in the field of nature protection.

Serbia amended its Nature Protection Act with the provisions enabling to establish Natura 2000 as early as in 2010 but without AA: there was just a reference to a by-law to be drafted within a certain period. This by-law, however, has never been drafted due to some unclarities regarding Natura 2000 establishment.

In 2015, amendments to Nature Protection Act finally removed those unclarities, and competent authority finally prepared the draft of the Government decree on AA. However, due to lack of experience the draft by-law, although conceptually good, contains a number of details which require clarification with the competent authority – Ministry of Agriculture and Environment. This consultation which has preliminarily been agreed with that Ministry should be the aim of the envisaged expert mission.