ECRAN Regional Training Workshop on SEA/EIA in industrial sector and the 3rd Training of Trainers (ToT) session

Date: 21-23.09.2016
Place: Skopje, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit

Industrial sector belongs to very important economic sectors in almost all ECRAN beneficiary countries. At the same time, industrial sector may have significant environmental and health affects – air and water pollution, waste production (including hazardous waste), risk of accidents etc. From environmental and health impacts point of view, it is important to address both strategic level – i.e. strategies and plans for industrial development, as well as project level i.e. construction and operation of specific industrial facilities. Therefore, efficient application of SEA at the strategic level, and EIA at the project level, respectively, is an essential way to avoid or minimize negative effects related to industrial development and to contribute to more sustainable economic development by making industries and related activities ‘better’ from environmental and health impacts points of view.

The ToT scheme was launched in September 2014 by organizing the 1st ToT session, followed by the 2nd ToT session, which was conducted in September 2015. Between the 1st and the 2nd ToT event, as well as after the 2nd ToT, a number of the national trainings were organized in the most of the ECRAN beneficiary trainings. As it can be concluded from the national trainings, the knowledge of SEA/EIA-related issues is on high level among the ToT participants, however there is a room for improving the training skills including overall coordination and arrangements of the trainings. Therefore the 3rd (and last) ToT session will be dedicated to further enhancing the training skills, as well as to discuss lessons learned from the national training workshops.

Wider Objective

To support a good SEA and EIA practice in ECRAN countries by (i) increasing understanding of the role of SEA and EIA industrial sector, and (ii) increasing training skills of the national trainers.

Specific Objectives

Regional training

  • To highlight main issues regarding SEA and EIA application in industrial sector;
  • To share EU experience with practical SEA and EIA application in industrial sector;
  • Based on presented practical cases to formulate recommendations to enhance SEA and EIA practice in industrial sector in ECRAN beneficiary countries.

3rd ToT

  • Further enhance training and presentation skills of the participants.
  • Identify needs for SEA and EIA capacity development in ECRAN beneficiary countries.

Expected Results

  • Increased understanding of the efficient application of SEA and EIA in industrial sector.
  • Enhanced training skills of the participants