ECRAN national expert mission on implementation of the Integrated Risk Assessment Method (IRAM)/easy Tools in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Date: 29-30.08.2016
Place: Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit

Within IMPEL various tools have been developed for inspection purposes. Pursuant to the Recommendation providing for minimum criteria for environmental inspections (RMCEI), the Industrial Emission Directive (IED) and the Directive on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances (SEVESO) all inspections should be planned in advance. The competent authority must draw up inspection plans and programs for installations and establishments, including the frequency of site visits. These frequencies should be based on a systematic risk appraisal. 

Under the name ‘easy Tools’ a project team, led by Germany, collected information on the risk assessments that are used across Europe. Based on this information a new rule based methodology was developed and tested, called Integrated Risk Assessment Method (IRAM).

General Objective

The aim of the expert mission is to assess the requirements for integration of the IRAM methodology in the present inspection management system in Republic of Srpska based on:

  1. Analysis of the existing inspection management system;
  2. The requirements of the IRAM system;
  3. Analysis of options for integration of both systems described in 1) and 2);
  4. Selection of the best option for integration and
  5. Description on the various steps for further implementation.

The experts aim to examine the country’s policy in inspection management and provide independent information on the required steps to integrate the IRAM system into the existing inspection management system Republic of Srpska.