ECRAN Workshop on EU climate policy and legislation for industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Date: 08.09.2016
Place: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit

The European Commission actively supports climate cooperation in the region of the Western Balkans and Turkey through the Environment and Climate Regional Accession Network (ECRAN). The Emissions Trading Working Group of ECRAN aims to provide the essential regulatory building blocks and to increase the technical capacity for a well-functioning future national or regional ETS system, which could be or is modelled in line with the EU ETS. This would pave the way for further cooperation and linking with the EU ETS.

In the scope of the ECRAN programme trainings are organised to support industrial operators in selected countries to improve their understanding of the regulation and policies addressing their activities, the requirements which they need to comply with and the opportunities arising from the policy instruments.

General Objective

The training programme aims to provide the authorities and operators of industrial installations in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina with an improved technical understanding of the national climate change policy framework within the European context, with the expected changes resulting from preparing EU Accession, the requirements defined for operators and the possible opportunities resulting from the policy instruments. The training builds on the wealth of experience that EU Member States and European industry operators have gained in this matter.

Expected Results of the workshop

The expected results are:

  • Improved understanding of the European policy framework for greenhouse gas mitigation and selected policy instruments to achieve targeted emission reductions;
  • Understanding on the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS): the concept, main responsibilities and lessons learned;
  • Requirements for operators on ETS implementation and the potential impact and opportunities of ETS for their activities.