ECRAN Expert mission on Natura 2000 network assessment in Pristina

Date: 23-24.08.2016
Place: Pristina, Kosovo*
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit

The first visit to Kosovo* took place in June 2014. In the subsequent period Kosovo* representatives provided ECRAN with requested materials and information which enabled TAIEX expert, Mr. Hošek, to prepare the overview of missing detailed information that could only be obtained through interviews of particular persons in charge of different aspects of nature protection and conservation in Kosovo*.

The second visit took place in February 2015 aiming to discuss the first rough assessment based on documents provided by the beneficiary for Kosovo*. Information obtained at the mission allowed to carry out preliminary assessment and develop the set of specific recommendations supporting Natura 2000 designation in Kosovo*. The assessment was also commented by the beneficiary and updated.

The third mission in September 2015 aimed at presentation of the advanced draft assessment and discussing preliminary results and recommendations with the beneficiary, i.e., to discuss information gaps in the draft and suitability of the recommendations not only with the beneficiary but also with the other stakeholders. Final assessment resulting from the third mission was submitted to the beneficiary only via email. However, the beneficiary expressed their wish to have the outcomes of the assessment presented by their author and to have the possibility to discuss the whole issue.

General Objective

It was agreed that by means of interviews, questionnaires, studying of appropriate references and additional email correspondence an evaluation of how far are particular ECRAN countries from the target (Natura 2000 proposal ready for submission) would be undertaken with specification of main shortages or bottle necks.

The aim of the fourth mission to Kosovo* is to present to the beneficiary and other relevant bodies final results with a special focus on recommendations. Beneficiary in Kosovo* is really interested in having as much as possible of its staff informed about the state of Natura 2000 readiness because they want immediately use the assessment for writing project applications and for further negotiations with the EC.

Expected Results of the workshop

The expected results are:

Presentation of the final version of the assessment attended by representatives of the beneficiary as well as other relevant stakeholders in the Natura 2000 implementation process in the country. Presentation will be followed by in-depth discussion.

* this designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.