ECRAN Multi-beneficiary Workshop on Program of Measure under the Water Framework Directive

Date: 20-22.06.2016
Place: Tirana, Albania
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit

In relation with the task 2.3.2 which refers to the development of the trans-boundary RBMPs, the WMWG followed through the training workshops organised all steps required by the WFD towards the preparation of the RBMP, the elaboration of the PoM, but also the inter-linkages with other EU Directives which contribute to the WFD objectives, specifically the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD), the Nitrates Directive (ND), the Industrial Emission Directive (IED), the Flood Directive (FD), the Environmental Quality Standards, and several others.

The group selected the Drina River Basin (RB) as a pilot river basin, which served as a platform to exercise different steps of the agreed methodology for drafting RBMP's and the PoM, but also to exchange experiences and knowledge, and to cooperate within the frame of a trans-boundary river basin. To facilitate the involvement of all beneficiaries, the WMWG suggested participating with case studies following the same topics as for Drina beneficiaries, for the preparation of the RBMP and the PoM.

The final outcome of working together for the preparation of the RBMP and the PoM for the Drina RB and related case studies of all participating beneficiaries will be a report reflecting the Drina RBMP and Joint PoM.

The present multi-beneficiary workshop will discuss all chapters of the draft RBMP and the PoM, prepared until now, will review all background guidance documents used for responding to the WFD requirements, will discuss issues related to compliance and enforcement and implementation challenges of the WFD.

All Case studies prepared by the ECRAN beneficiaries and the lessons learned from the presentations and joint contribution will be at summarised as well at this regional workshop.

General Objective

The overall objectives of the workshop are to discuss the draft RBMP and its PoM for the Drina RB, together with all relevant legal and technical topics associated with the enforcement activities and steps to full compliance with the WFD in the beneficiaries.

Expected Results

  • Improved understanding of the topics, challenges and tasks, and related responsibilities along the development of the RBMP in line with the WFD;
  • Exchange of experience and knowledge significantly improved;.
  • Key obstacles impeding the tasks implementation and related solutions identified;
  • Active involvement of the participants through the preparation of case studies
  • Guidance documents related to the WG tasks discussed and clarified.