ECRAN Regional Dialogue of the EU and the Candidate Countries and Potential Candidates on the Outcomes of the Paris Agreement and its Implications for National actions

Date: 03.06.2016
Place: Zagreb, Croatia
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit

The historic Paris Climate Agreement paves the way for a global transition to low-emissions, climate resilient economies, and sends a signal to businesses and investors that this shift is irreversible. The Agreement reached is balanced, fair and ambitious. It can be expected to accelerate the global transition to climate resilient carbon neutral future and provide a safer planet for the future generations. As such it is a success to multilateralism and to all of us. The Agreement contains the key features necessary to deliver its objectives - a long-term goal, a dynamic mechanism to take stock and strengthen ambition over time, and a legally binding obligation for Parties to pursue domestic mitigation measures. The Agreement also brings together mitigation and adaptation in an equally ambitious and balanced manner, establishing a global goal on adaptation, which is particularly important as we are already experiencing impacts of climate change.

For the EU and for our international partners, the attention now turns to implementing the Agreement. Domestically, within EU, this means proceeding with the 2030 climate and energy framework, as well as legislation on sectors outside the ETS, including land use, land use change and forestry. Internationally, the focus will be on ratification of the Paris Agreement, and implementation of the national climate plans - the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions, which we all put forward before Paris. Political attention will also need to increase on climate- related aspects of the ICAO, IMO and Montreal Protocol processes.

The June High Level event will provide us with an early opportunity to exchange views on the Agreement and next steps and to have a full discussion particularly on implementing the national climate plans and what the EU can do to help, as well as maintaining political momentum on climate issues.

General Objective

To strengthen regional cooperation between the EU candidate countries and potential candidates in the fields of climate action and to assist them on their way towards the transposition and implementation of the EU climate policies and instruments as a key precondition for the EU accession.

Specific Objectives

To provide a platform for the exchange of views on the implementation of NDC between the EU and the EU candidate countries and potential candidate's senior public officials.

Expected Results of the workshop

The expected results are:

  • to exchange views on the Agreement and next steps and to have a full discussion particularly on implementing the national climate plans and what the EU can do to help, as well as maintaining political momentum on climate issues.
  • Participants familiarize themselves with the EU's actions to implement the 2015 Climate Agreement.