Date: 15-16.06.2016
Place: Tirana, Albania
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit
Spatial planning represents one of the most important planning schemes in almost all ECRAN
beneficiary countries. Since large development is often proposed in the spatial plans (e.g. transport
infrastructure corridors, industrial zones etc.), implementation of spatial plans may significantly
affect the environment as well as human health. Therefore, efficient application of SEA for spatial
plans is an essential way to avoid or minimize negative effects related to the spatial development
and to contribute to better environmental and health ‘performance’ of the spatial planning.
There has been a long history of SEA application for spatial/land-use plans within EU, therefore case
examples from Croatia, Czech Republic, and Slovenia may provide information to be applied in
ECARN beneficiary countries. Since SEA pilot in Albania (supported by ECRAN in 2015 – 2016, task
2.4.2) was conducted for the General National Territorial Plan, this case will provide a basis for
discussions on efficient application of SEA for spatial plans, as well as it will enable to visit several
sites where the most significant effects were identified by SEA and thus illustrate practical
approaches to the assessment.
Wider Objective
To present case example of SEA for the General National Territorial Plan of Albania as well as
Croatian, Czech, and Slovenian practice of SEA application for spatial plans and thus provide hands-
on experience for the workshop participants.
Specific Objectives