Date: 16-18.05.2016
Place: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit
Eutrophication is a complex phenomenon and as well a process by which a body of water acquires a
high concentration of nutrients, especially phosphates and nitrates. It may occur naturally but can
also be the result of human activity through agriculture and discharges of wastewaters. The
nutrients typically promote excessive growth of algae, and as a consequence, high levels of organic
matter and the decomposing organisms deplete the water of available oxygen, causing the death of
other organisms, such as fish.
Eutrophication is identified as one of the major threats to the environment and still remains a
priority problem. With any additional pressure, the status can revert to previous conditions,
endangering the ecosystem. Pollution, although localized, affects biological communities and algae
blooms are still heavy in some localities in the beneficiary countries.
The workshop will be organised with the aims to discuss the theory, approaches, methodologies and
lessons learned in relation with (1) the reduction of eutrophication, (2) the coordination between
WFD and MSFD to reduce the nitrogen and phosphorous loads to the environment and thereby to
reduce eutrophication, which are the main contributors to the eutrophication, and (3) to see what it
can be done to control the eutrophication.
Finally, case studies on (i) assessing eutrophication presenting existing and proposed measures
concerning control of marine and inland waters eutrophication, and (ii) on measures proposed for
eutrophication management in the ECRAN beneficiary countries.
General Objective
The overall objectives of the workshop are to develop a knowledge base on the importance of the
eutrophication process and the reduction measures imposed by the EU Directives and policies in the
development of the River Basin Management Plans and the Program of Measures in line with the
WFD, and in the Action Plan prepared according to the MSFD requirements.
Expected Results