1st Regional Training - Capacity building on compliance with environmental legislation

Date: 20-22.05.2014
Place: Zagreb, Lipovica, Croatia
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit

The activities of ECENA planned under ECRAN, are built on the results achieved under RENA with closer coordination of work of inspectors and permit writers and closer connection to other activities within the environmental protection area. This is particularly important as the work of this WG is dealing with both implementation and enforcement of the EU acquis.

1st regional training will enhance capacity building regarding compliance with environmental legislation through better understanding of implementation issues and identification of targeted solutions (training of inspectors and permit writers in cooperation with law drafters and policy makers). The training will be focused on the special subject selected for the host country and pilot site selected being - inter-linkage of IED with the Water Framework Directive, Inspectors Management with the Environmental Inspection Cycle and Seveso III Directive.

Planned regional training will be delivered in close coordination with the TAIEX Unit that will be responsible for provision of non-key experts and organization of logistics (training venue, accommodation and transport of registered participants, etc.). ECRAN Secretariat remains responsible for preparation of the lists of participants, provision of draft and final training agendas, preparation of ToR for identification of relevant EU MS experts, contribution to the process of EU MS expert’s identification, while TAIEX Unit keeps the ultimate responsibility for implementation according to its mandate and procedures. The ECRAN Secretariat remains responsible for the drafting, editing, printing and distribution of all training manuals, handbooks, guidebooks or other required similar means of support. Delivered trainings will be evaluated in order to follow the level of reaching the training objectives.

Objectives of the training:
Wider Objective: increasing the effectiveness of inspection bodies and promoting compliance with environmental requirements
Specific Objective: Capacity building regarding compliance with environmental legislation through better understanding of implementation issues and identification of targeted solutions (training of inspectors and permit writers in cooperation with law drafters and policy makers)

Expected results
The following results are expected for this activity
- improved functioning of environmental inspection and enforcement organizations;
- streamlined working methods and implementation of best practice in the region moving towards EU standards.