ECRAN modelling: support mission to Module 3

Date: 11-12.04.2016
Place: Tirana, Albania
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit

Climate policy related strategy development as well as fulfilling the reporting requirements of Annex I countries towards the UNFCCC, similarly to the EU acquis requires detailed modelling of emission scenarios on country level.

In most ECRAN beneficiaries there is experience in modelling aided scenario work, especially in the framework of the preparations of National Communications. However, in many cases this work has been designed and outsourced by international organisations or other external organisations without adequate involvement or ownership of the results by the countries. As such, the knowledge base within the administrations on modelling aided scenario work is limited.

In terms of technical requirements, the focus of the training will be on one specific modelling platform, the Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP) which has been developed by the Stockholm Environmental Institute. Of the 8 beneficiaries 6 are already using LEAP, and one has expressed interest in using it.

In order to provide support for those participants of the training programme for the completion of Module 3 homework, a need for additional support was identified for the beneficiaries from Albania. It is necessary to complete this workshop before the start of the fourth module of the training program (April 2016) in order to have a comparable progress in the homework. Also a separate training, with smaller number of participants allows for more interactive hands-on exercises than the general training programme with nearly 30 participants. The training is provided by ECRAN and TAIEX experts engaged in the year long program.

General Objective

To strengthen regional cooperation between the EU candidate countries and potential candidates in the fields of climate action and to assist them on their way towards the transposition and implementation of the EU climate policies as a key precondition for EU accession.

Specific Objectives

To increase technical capacities in the ECRAN beneficiaries to meet their future EU and UNFCCC reporting requirements, and to form a rational position on national efforts contributing to the EU 2050 roadmap and the 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy Policies.

Expected Results of the workshop

The expected results are:

  • Enhanced technical capacity within the relevant ministries and institutions (in particular ministries responsible for climate, energy, transport, as well as national statistical offices) to model specific policies and measures to converge with the EU climate change policy and selected EU legislation;
  • Strengthened regional network of experts.