Regional Workshop “Tools and guidance for assessing resource and environmental cost in the WFD” and 3rd Annual Meeting

Date: 29-31.03.2016
Place: Skopje, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit

The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Water Management Working Group will take place back to back to the workshop dedicated to the “Resource and Environmental costs according to the WFD”. The main objective of the 3rd Annual working group meeting, from the perspective of the Water Management WG consists in reaching consensus on the Water Management WG Work Plan 2016, presenting the approaches and the outcomes of the previous reporting period, and identifying key issues and challenges for finalizing the remaining activities of the group, within the frame of ECRAN project.

Following the 3rd annual meeting, the workshop will be organised with the aims to discuss the theory, approaches, methodologies and lessons learned in relation with the calculation of resources and environmental costs, in line with the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The WFD is promoting the application of sound economic principles, methods and instruments for supporting the achievement of its objectives (good ecological status) in Europe. To respond to these challenges and considering the results obtained so far on the preparation of the Program of Measures, and the development of the River Basin Management Plan, a specific task on the resource costs and environmental costs, and as well on costs & benefits has been included in the agenda of the workshop.

General Objective of the Workshop

To develop a knowledge base on the economic dimensions of water management (i.e. costs, benefits, environmental and resource cost) that will facilitate the overall assessment of the economic impact (costs & benefits) of the WFD and the economic assessment of policy options.

Expected Results of the Workshop:

  • Improved understanding of the topics, challenges and tasks, and related responsibilities along the calculation of the resource and environmental costs, in line with WFD;
  • Exchange of experiences and knowledge significantly improved;
  • Key obstacles impeding the tasks implementation and related solutions identified;
  • Active involvement of the participants through the preparation of case studies on cost recovery and the resource and environmental costs;
  • Agreement on the draft 2 of the Drina RBM Plan and the case studies from all beneficiary countries;
  • Guidance documents related to the WG tasks discussed and clarified.