Multi country Workshop on Compliance with the Legislation on Trans Frontier Shipment of Waste

Date: 08-10.03.2016
Place: Antwerp, Belgium
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit

In 1994 the Council Regulation 259/93 on the supervision and control of shipments of waste within, into and out of the European Community, came into force. One of the main purposes of the European waste regulation is to prevent the shipment of environmentally harmful waste to countries that do not have the provisions to cope with these wastes. Another purpose is to take care of the environmentally sound processing of the waste. The regulation has been replaced by the Waste Shipment Regulation 1013/2006 in 2007 including the Amendments 660/2014. The enforcement of this Waste Shipment Regulation WSR (further referred to as WSR) is a competence of individual Member States. For an effective and efficient enforcement, organisations have to cooperate over their national borders as transboundary movements of wastes exceed these borders.

General Objective

Increasing the effectiveness of inspection bodies and promoting compliance with environmental requirements.

Specific Objective

Increased capacity in SEE in the field implementation of elements of the WSR, increased insight in related compliance and enforcement mechanisms and knowledge about performing inspections.

Expected Results of the Workshop:

The expected results are:

  • Improved knowledge based on WSR and legal and institutional requirements with compliance, and enforcement aspects at key staff of the Environment Ministries and institutions on the subject;
  • Strengthened regional network of SEE professionals and experts on Trans Frontier Shipment (TFS) with its compliance and enforcement aspects.