Date: 15-17.02.2016
Place: Podgorica, Montenegro
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit
The assistance in preparing the Program of measures as part of the development of the River Basin
Management Plan, in line with the Water Framework Directive continued with additional steps,
based on the agreed 4 phases methodology, and related packages of actions and activities needed
for their implementation.
Phases 1 and 2 have been already implemented through the assistance and contributions of all
beneficiary countries. The phases 3 and part of phase 4 have been planned to be implemented at
the 5th and 6th Screening workshops organized in 2015.
The remaining tasks of the project will be implemented in 2016. The final outcome of the first task of
the Water Management Working Group, respectively the task 2.3.3 “Assistance in the development
of transboundary river basin management plans” would be the draft Program of Measures or Drina
River Basin, concluded through the contributions from the Drina countries but discussed and agreed
by all ECRAN beneficiary countries.
Throughout practical work (filling screening templates and country assessments) participants gained
an experience and received recommendation on general approach and issues to be considered in
initial phase of the preparation of PoMs.
Following the approved work plan, the WM WG discussed the methodology for drafting the Drina
RBM Plan and its Program of Measures and investigated the needs of specific components in terms
of background documents, screening templates assessments, training or workshops.
Objective of the Workshop:
To encourage and mobilize efforts towards WFD implementation as a key to reaching the good
water status in the Drina River basin through capacity building activities, and based on countries
needs and priorities.
Expected Results of the workshop: