ECRAN 4th Steering Committee Meeting

Date: 27.11.2015
Place: Brussels, Belgium
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat

The ECRAN project has started on 01 October, 2013. It focuses on a number of priority areas of approximation, enforcement and compliance to the EU environment and climate acquis. ECRAN provides a platform for regional cooperation in environmental and climate field as well as forum for informal dialog between the European Commission and the enlargement countries.

The project Steering Committee consist of ECRAN Focal Points nominated by the beneficiary countries and the representatives of the European Commission (DG Environment and DG Climate Action). ECRAN Secretariat serves as the secretariat of the Steering Committee and is responsible for organisation of the meetings and preparation and distribution of relevant materials. 

The Steering Committee provides overview of the project implementation status and achieved results, approves the strategic documents and reports related to ECRAN Working Groups and provides a platform for non-formal technical dialog among the EC and the project beneficiaries.

Objectives of the 4th Steering Committee Meeting are:

  • To provide an overview of the ECRAN Project activities;
  • To provide a forum to discuss and endorse the 2016 Work Plan for ECRAN activities in the environmental and climate change fields for 2016;
  • To endorse detailed ECRAN Project Work Plan for 2016.