Date: 16-18.11.2015
Place: Podgorica, Montenegro
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit
The first visit to Montenegro took place on 24 October 2014. In the subsequent period Montenegro
representatives provided ECRAN with requested materials and information which enabled TAIEX
expert, Mr. Hošek, to prepare the overview of missing detailed information that can only be
obtained through interviews of particular persons in charge of different aspects of nature protection
and conservation in Kosovo. The second mission to Montenegro took place on 2-6 March 2015 with
the aim to discuss the first rough assessment based on documents provided by the beneficiary for
Montenegro. Meetings were held with competent representatives of the Ministry of Spatial
Development and Tourism (directly in charge of Natura 2000 implementation) as well as with other
relevant institutions and stakeholders.
The results of the second mission are: data and information gathered through interview enabling to
continue on the assessment of readiness to establish Natura 2000 in Montenegro, and direct
discussion with all participants as well as survey on their positions and expectation form the process
are important part of the evaluation. Based on information and data gathered, the advanced draft
assessment was carried out with preliminary list of recommendations. The next mission to
Montenegro is organized with the aim to discuss with the beneficiary and relevant stakeholders
rightness of the assessment and respective recommendations suggested to the beneficiary
Objectives of the Workshop
It was agreed that by means of interviews, questionnaires, studying of appropriate references and
additional email correspondence an evaluation of how far are particular countries from the target
(Natura 2000 proposal ready for submission) shall be undertaken with specification of main
shortages or bottle necks.
Expected Results of the meeting
The expected results are the following: