Date: 17-18.11.2015
Place: Belgrade, Serbia
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit
Landfill directive requires that Member States shall take measures to ensure that all of the costs
involved in the setting up and operation of a landfill site, including as far as possible the cost of the
financial security and the estimated costs of the closure and after-care of the site for a period of at
least 30 years shall be covered by the price to be charged by the operator for the disposal of any
type of waste in that site. Such requirements call for sound cost recovery mechanisms and use of
economic instruments to reflect real environmental costs. Supporting efforts for establishment of
cost recovery mechanisms ECRAN Regional workshop on Cost recovery in waste sector took place
18 - 19 March 2015 in Tirana.
Countries in the region still lack well established methodologies for cost recovery. This problem is
growing with each new investment into waste management operations. Economic instruments,
except of packaging charges, are almost not used. Landfill taxes or similar instruments, which would
support recycling and divert waste from landfilling are still to be developed.
Considering such a situation national roundtables are organised in beneficiary country in order to
better reflect national situation and needs in developing cost recovery systems in waste sector.
General Objective:
To provide practical knowledge on experience of the EU Member States and support establishment
of cost-recovery mechanism in the country.
Expected Results:
The expected results are the following: