Workshop on national climate adaption policies and legislation – Step B2: Identification of Adaptation Options - continued

Date: 09-10.11.2015
Place: Zagreb, Croatia
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit

In June 2015 the ECRAN ‘STEP B’ workshop was held in Zagreb. In order to ensure continuity of the started work and progress, It was therefore decided to include an additional ‘STEP B2’ workshop in the ECRAN programme. The ‘STEP B2’ workshop will be crucial for the future ECRAN work on adaptation.It will:

  1. Take stock of the current CCA progress made in each of the ECRAN countries;
  2. Open the opportunity of active use and visibility of ECRAN beneficiaries on the Climate ADAPT Platform 1;
  3. Assess the successes, weak points, and gaps in the first stages of the adaptation policy ‘Preparing the ground for adaptation’, ‘Assessing risks and Vulnerabilities to Climate Change’, and ‘Identifying Adaptation Needs’;
  4. Identify how to further strengthen the quality of each country’s current Position Papers;
  5. Point out focused national, bilateral, multilateral and/or regional capacity building and technical assistance support needs to be additionally requested from ECRAN;
  6. Agree on further action(s) to be taken on the way to the ‘STEP C’ workshop.

Objectives of the Training

Keeping the steady progress that already started on climate adaptation action in the Western Balkan countries and Turkey by enhancing the understanding about climate adaptation action among a core of Beneficiary Countries’ representatives, creating climate adaptation policies and planning as a basis for action.

Expected Results of the Workshop:

The expected results are:
  • Enhanced understanding of workshop participants about their own country’s state of progress and involvement of stakeholders towards developing a national climate adaptation strategy and action planning;
  • Workshop participants’ understanding of their own country’s specific gaps between current levels of knowledge and skills and the levels required to successfully proceed with the development of their national climate change adaptation strategy;
  • A country-by-country view on the national level actions and external support needed to bridge the gaps identified under result 2 above.