Regional Training on the role of planning documents in approximation process and management of the process for Chapter 27

Date: 18-19.03.2014
Place: Podgorica,Montenegro
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat and EC TAIEX UNIT

EU environmental acquis approximation process requires numerous actions in transposition and implementation of requirements, building institutional capacities and capabilities, investing into infrastructure. At the same time human and financial resources available for approximation process are rather limited and have to be allocated into well-targeted areas to create highest effect. It means, that each acceding country has to understand the needs of the approximation process, identify actions necessary to close remaining gaps, assess required financial and other resources, and prioritise actions to achieve maximum benefits. Such assessment is usually performed during planning process and summarised into various levels of planning documents.

As it was assessed during implementation of RENA activities, countries during last several years did elaborate many planning documents that guide transposition and implementation process. At the same time, as screening process or investment planning process shows, countries still face problems when need to establish deadlines for actions, prioritise activities, indicate related costs. With this training ECRAN is aiming to continue discussion regarding strategic planning and exchange good practises in the region as well as receive advice from the recent Member States. As foreseen in the 2014 plan, this seminar is aiming to provide regional training on the role of planning documents in approximation process and management of the process for chapter 27 using approximation policy documents.

This training is supposed to establish background for follow up activities in assessing national situation in the region and preparing meta-plan (roadmap) for development of all necessary planning documents for EU accession process.

Objectives of the meeting:
Wider Objective:
to improve strategic planning of the approximation process in acceding countries and to assist in better preparation for negotiations.

Specific Objectives:

To present information about main needs of the approximation process,

To present information about role of strategic planning in organising approximation process,

To present experience of new Member States and Candidate Countries,

To identify the list of most important planning documents for the approximation process,

To discuss and agree possible outline for national discussions.