Multi country Workshop on Trans Frontier Shipment of Waste, Waste Management and Landfilling of Waste

Date: 03-05.11.2015
Place: Podgorica, Montenegro
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit

The European Union's approach to waste management is based on the "waste hierarchy" which sets the following priority order when shaping waste policy and managing waste at the operational level: prevention, (preparing for) reuse, recycling, recovery and, as the least preferred option, disposal (which includes landfilling and incineration without energy recovery).

EU waste management legislation can be subdivided into various levels of which the more important ones are:

  1. Framework Legislation: The Waste Framework Directive (WFD) and the Waste Shipment Regulation (WSR)
  2. Waste treatment operations: The Landfill Directive
  3. Waste streams: Batteries and accumulators, sewage sludge, end-of-live vehicles, packaging and packaging waste, PCBs/PCTs, Waste electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), Restriction of Hazardous Substances In Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS in WEEE) and mining waste.

The present workshop concentrate on a number of elements in EU waste management and waste management legislation and include:

  • - Day one: General Waste management and the Waste Shipment Regulation;
  • - Day two: General Waste management (WFD), Landfills and Waste streams: WEEE;
  • - Day three: Site visits on a recycling company of waste and a landfill.

General Objective:

Increasing the effectiveness of authorities and inspection bodies and promoting compliance with environmental requirements.

Specific Objective

Increasing capacity in SEE in the field implementation of EU waste legislation, increased insight in related compliance and enforcement mechanisms and knowledge about performing inspections.

Expected Results:

Improved skills on implementation of Landfill of Waste Directive (Council Directive 1999/31/EC);
  • Improved knowledge based on WFD,WSR, Landfill, WEE and legal and institutional requirements with compliance, and enforcement aspects at key staff of the Environment Ministries and institutions on the subject;
  • Strengthened regional network of SEE professionals and experts on Waste Legislation with its compliance and enforcement aspects.