Advanced Technical Training Programme on Verification in the scope of the EU ETS

Date: 03-04.11.2015
Place: Pancevo, Serbia
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit

The European Commission actively supports climate cooperation in the region of the Western Balkans and Turkey through the Environment and Climate Regional Accession Network (ECRAN). The Emissions Trading Working Group of ECRAN aims to provide the essential regulatory building blocks and to increase the technical capacity for a well-functioning future national or regional ETS system, which could be or is modelled in line with the EU ETS. This would pave the way for further cooperation and linking with the EU ETS.

The following results are expected for this Working Group:

- To improve technical understanding of the EU ETS implementing provisions in relation to monitoring, reporting, verification and accreditation (MRVA) in the beneficiary countries, among the target group of industry and aircraft operators, as well as the Competent Authorities and potential verifiers.

- To identify institutional, legal and procedural arrangements for a future national or regional ETS system, which could be modelled in line with the EU ETS.

Successful implementation of an emissions trading system among others involves the implementation of a system for the monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions, and for the verification of annual emission reports. Such Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) systems form the backbone of any ETS system.

Objectives of the Training

The advanced training programme aims to provide the government authorities in Serbia with an improved technical understanding of the EU requirements on monitoring, reporting and verification. Specifically to obtain hands-on understanding of reporting and verification in a refinery and in the petrochemical industry.

Expected Results of the Workshop:

The training will provide in-depth insights in the Monitoring and Reporting regulation and in verification, specifically in understanding the road from Monitoring Plan to a validated annual emission report. The training will zoom in on key challenges experienced during the formulation of Monitoring Plans and will provide in-depth insights in the verification of an emission report based on the Monitoring Plan. All practical training should optimally prepare the staff of the Ministry for their task of validating the Monitoring Plan and approving the annual emission reports.

In order to work with real-life examples larger parts of the training will be held at the sites of two future Serbian ETS operators: the NIS refinery and HIP-Petrohemija. These companies were selected since they represent the more complicated activities in terms of Greenhouse gas monitoring and reporting and consequently validation of their Monitoring Plan and verification of their annual emissions report are regarded as some of the more complex tasks for the Ministry staff.