Regional Workshop on Marine Strategy Framework Directive Initial Assessment and Good Environmental Status

Date: 27-29.10.2015
Place: Skopje, FYR of Macedonia
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit

The marine and coastal areas are under severe pressure from both land-based and see/ocean-based pollution sources, and therefore, the European Union has adopted two instruments, the 2002 EU Recommendation on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and the 2008 Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), which offer a comprehensive and integrated approach to the protection of all European coasts and marine waters.

The 1st Introductory Workshop on Marine Strategy Framework Directive has been organized in September 2014 (Tirana, Albania). The participants have been familiarized with the main terms, definitions and principles of MSDF, and the basic MSDF requirements. The Regional Training took place in Istanbul, 18-20 May 2015 with the main objective to build the capacities of the beneficiary countries in the area of synergy and differences between WFD, and MSFD and ICZM.

Following the outcomes of the Regional Training, a thematic workshop will be organised 27-29 October, in Skopje, Macedonia. The focus of this training is on the requirements of the Initial Assessment and Good Environmental Status, within the frame of MSFD reporting, and on the implications on the Program of Measures to achieve the targets and indicators. The discussion will consider the requirements of the most interlinked EU Directives: WFD and MSFD.

The experiences of the Black Sea Commission in the implementation of marine specific policies and legislation will be also highlighted.

Objective of the Workshop:

To strengthen national capacities for effectively addressing the large number of implementation challenges and implications of the MSFD and the ICZM, analysed in synergy with the process of reaching the WFD objectives

Expected Results of the workshop:

  • Enhanced understanding of the requirements of MSFD, specifically for the Initial Assessment and Good Environmental Status, with particular attention on the implications on reaching the agreed targets and indicators;
  • Exchange of experiences and knowledge significantly improved;
  • Policy and guidance documents related to the MSFD and ICZM tasks discussed and clarified;
  • Key obstacles impeding the tasks implementation and related solutions identified;
  • Motivation and active engagement of participants.