1st ECRAN MMR workshop: Regional training on GHG Inventory development process with a focus on the energy sector

Date: 05-07.03.2014
Place: Zagreb, Plomin, Koromacno, Croatia
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat and EC TAIEX UNIT

The activities under this Working Group will include field training for beneficiaries' staff compiling the National Inventories and National Communications. Purpose of the field training is to fill gaps and check the quality of implemented emission factors and reported Activity Data (ADs) for fuel combustion activities (CRF 1.A) and fugitive emissions from fuels (CRF 1.B) in the ECRAN beneficiaries. As a reference the latest submitted GHG data on fuel combustion in the framework of ECRAN’s predecessor programme RENA (Activity Scheme 2.2 - EU Monitoring Mechanism scheme) will be used. The results will feed into an assessment report and a regional training workshop, and are meant to improve the activity data. If gaps are detected, proposals will be presented to rectify these. Proposals for improvement in line with the IPCC Good Practice Guidance will be made. In addition to the previous activities in the framework of RENA, new CRF source category, i.e. fugitive emissions from fuels, will be introduced in the training exercise in order to improve completeness of emissions estimates from the Energy sector.

The training programme on the subject will be provided in three modules. In order to ensure the optimal results, participation from the beneficiary countries will have to be continuous for all three modules.

The following Modules will be implemented:
- Module 1: Regional training on GHG inventory development process with a focus on the energy sector
- Module 2: Regional training on handling the CRF Reporter software and tier 1 uncertainty assessment
- Module 3: Field training on and assessment of GHG inventories from the fuel combustion activities and fugitive emissions from fuels

The implementation of Module 1 will be in the form of a three-day regional training workshop on utilizing the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, the IPCC Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories and elements of 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, for the fuel combustion activities and fugitive emission from fuels.