5th Screening Workshop on WFD Program of Measures in Drina River Basin

Date: 07-09.10.2015
Place: Podgorica, Montenegro
Organizer: ECRAN Secretariat with EC TAIEX Unit

Previously, first two screening workshops have been organised in 2014, where the participants were introduced into the specific EU water terminology, different policies and regulatory frameworks as well as various techniques and tools for screening and evaluation, for implementing the EU water directives, specifically the preparation of the Program of Measures (PoM). At the 3rd Screening Workshop (11-12 March 2015) the methodology for preparing the Program of Measures) has been presented and discussed. On the 4th Screening Workshop (15-17 September 2015), based on received screening templates, the participants provided their national contributions following the methodology prepared, and covering additional components of the process, such as the economic analysis. In addition, case studies have been prepared and presented by national experts in the ECRAN project beneficiary countries.

Based on the discussions and the agreement reached for the methodology of the Drina RBM Plan and its Program of Measures, the work will continue with next steps towards PoM development, according to Task 2.3.2 which will be the main focus of the 5th Screening Workshop.

Particularly, the participants will make use of the results obtained during the 3rd and the 4th screening workshops and initiate the elaboration of the Program of measures in Drina River Basin. The Program of measures will include basic and supplementary measures, addressing organic pollution, nutrient pollution, flooding, hazardous substances pollution and hydromorphological alterations. For each of these water management issues, the participants will make use of the EC reporting sheets, following the relevant EU Directives, such as Urban Wastewater Directive, Industrial Emissions Directive, Nutrients Directive, Flood Directive, and Environmental Quality Standards Directive. Further, for addressing hydromorphological alterations, the program of measures will cover mainly measures for improving longitudinal and lateral connectivity of rivers.

Objective of the Workshop:

To encourage and mobilize efforts towards the preparation of the Program of Measures, within the WFD implementation process, as a key to reaching the good water status in the Drina River basin through capacity building activities, and based on countries needs and priorities.

Expected Results of the workshop:

  • - Improved understanding of the topics, challenges and tasks, and related responsibilities along the development of the Program of Measures, in line with WFD
  • - Exchange of experiences and knowledge significantly improved
  • - Key obstacles impeding the tasks implementation and related solutions identified
  • - Active involvement of the participants through the preparation of case studies for agricultural measures (catalogue of agricultural measures) and of the floodplain restoration benefits.