The project team is composed by two experts directly responsible for this component, Richard Filcak and Andjelka Mihajlov. Besides this, they rely on broad and extensive expertise of the whole ECRAN team.

Richard Filcak has been working for more than 15 years with non-governmental organizations in the Central and Eastern Europe (Slovakia, Czech Rep., Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Russia, Georgia and Ukraine). Among other activities he coordinated project EU integration and the environmental impacts which was focused on the evaluation of the EU enlargement prospects and impacts from the NGO perspective in the Slovak Republic. Richard coordinated for several years international networks of NGOs (thematically focused on the problems of climate change and energy). He was project leader of previos Environmental Forum. In his capacity as researcher he studies social, economic and environmental impacts of development in the transitional countries of the region (within the framework of the EU policies and EU enlargement impacts) - with particular attention to the exposure to environmental and social risks and access to resources. Richard studied at the Lund University in Sweden and at the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. He has experience as University lecturer, trainer/facilitator and conferences organizer.

Andjelka Mihajlov has an educational background in chemical engineer and more than 20 years of experience in EU environmental acquis transposition/enforcement/ monitoring and implementation, especially within the following areas: Environment Horizontal legislation (sustainable development, sustainable use of natural resources, sustainable consumption and production, EIA, SEA, Access to Information, Public Participation, gender), Waste management, Climate change, IPPC, MEAs. She worked initially as a technical expert for the Ministry for Development, Science and Environment of FR Yugoslavia and, later, as the Minister of the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment of the Government of Serbia. She has extensive experience in the CEE and Balkan region (Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, FYR Macedonia, and Kosovo*).Shewas technical expert in previos Environmental Forum. Dr Mihajlov has more than 300 scientific references. She lectures at Faculty of Technical Sciences – University of Novi Sad. Moreover, Andjelka has experience in delivering training on specific environment related issues and working in the projects in performing multistakeholder involvement.

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.