One of the key roles and responsibilities of the ECF NGOs is to actively disseminate information and engage other organization and stakeholders into the accession process. This may be done through various channels and the project team will together with the NGOs draft simple communication plan at the start up of the project. (Based on county specific situation and possible interlinks with ongoing NGO activities). This may include:

• Facilitate and stimulate dialogue about environmental agenda in the EU accession process at the national level and support the process by linking the debate with ECRAN/ECF activities and outputs;

• The ECRAN project webpage is the main place for finding up-to-date information on the project progress, EU accession process and region related information. The NGO are expected to contribute to the ECF section of the page and actively promote information from the web using their communication channels (e.g., linking the web with their web pages, sending notifications to other NGOs, or to the national email lists);

• There will be main ECF email list serving as the communication channel and tool for management of the network. The ECF NGO should create (or if there already is one, than use) national email list focused on the EU accession process;

• NGOs will actively (using own channels and networks) disseminate information among in-country stakeholders, forward relevant information to other NGOs, stakeholders and media in the country.