Annual Meetings build on the outcomes of other activities and represent the key opportunity for the civil society to get engaged into the dialogue with the high representatives of the European Commission. The agenda for the annual meetings will be prepared in a bottom-up manner, with key input from the NGOs, as well as in consultation with the EC. The consortium will, in close collaboration with NGOs, facilitate the preparation of the agenda by proposing a framework for the meetings and making suggestions for discussion topics (reflecting especially outcomes of the preparatory in-country meetings).

The annual meetings will be planned in a way to allow enough room for NGOs self-organizing and organization of bilateral meetings, such as sessions between the Desk Officers of DG Environment, DG Climate Action and DG Enlargement for the respective country and their NGOs counterparts. Taking into account the timeframe for implementation of the project and usual timing for organisation and implementation of preparatory meetings as a basis for organisation of annual meetings, there are two annual meetings planned.

Following preparatory steps at the country level, the organisation of annual meetings will include at least the following involvement and actions from the NGOs:

• Active contribution to the agenda development - building on the outcomes of the preparatory meetings and other projects from the countries involved;

• Cooperation in preparation of the meetings materials (e.g., presentations, points for the discussion with DG ENV Commissioner, case studies to be presented, or other NGO inputs to the discussions);

• Participation in preparation of discussions (e.g., debrief the project team and other NGOs on the preparatory meetings outcomes);

• Allocation of time and sending a representative of the NGOs for the annual meetings (approx. 2 to 3 days meetings are planned, travel and stay will be fully reimbursed by the project);

• Actively participate in the meeting management (representatives of the NGOs may be asked to chair, or facilitate panels, or discussion sessions);

• Disseminate information from the annual meetings to the broad NGO community and other relevant stakeholders.

During each of the annual meeting there will be separate session between NGOs and the project team (prior, or during the AM). The aim is to get feedback on the project management and agree on work plan for the upcoming period (e.g., website, preparatory meetings, training programme, selection process for ECRAN activities and other technical and management issues).