Climate Policy

Climate Policy

Development of concrete climate policies fully aligned with EU Climate acquis and setting GHG emission reduction targets in the context of EU 2020 Climate and Energy Package, the expected EU 2030 climate and energy framework and the need to feed into the 2015 international climate agreement are the issues to be addressed by this Working Group. At present the absence of concrete targets and implementation roadmaps hamper the development of robust climate policies in the region. Building critical mass and expansion of the target group from government institutions to other parties that have a role in implementing key elements of the climate acquis is essential. These include other line Ministries, but also industry. In addition, the role of CSOs and academia needs to be strengthened, especially in the field of strategy development in the field of climate. The awareness and understanding of EU climate change laws, policies, economic benefits and strategies is crucial to strengthening dialogue and cooperation on climate change between the EU and its partners.

The above described issues will be addressed through a regional exercise on the development of climate policies converging with EU climate acquis, with a special focus on the application of modelling, scenario development and tools for the preparation and implementation of low emission strategies. In addition regional seminars will be held on EU climate acquis which was not yet sufficiently addressed under the RENA. National high level seminars are envisaged on topics to be selected, and which are based on the priorities, needs and circumstances of each beneficiary and also target continued awareness raising. Finally, practical hands-on assistance and short missions are planned to support the drafting, fine-tuning and implementation of key policy documents and legislation on low carbon development, mitigation and adaptation as well as related assessments of social and economic impacts.

Under this Working Group, the following specific tasks are being implemented:

- Task 1.1: Capacity building on modeling, scenario development

- Task 1.2: Capacity building on selected climate acquis

- Task 1.3: National High level seminars

- Task 1.4: Practical hands on assistance on low-carbon policy and legislative development

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