

This Working Group will build on the regional political interest on adaptation to climate change as demonstrated by regional initiatives such as the Belgrade Initiative, the Regional Forum for Climate Change, the 2012 Ministerial meeting in Tirana and the Sub-Regional Virtual Climate Change Centre.

By complementing the above activities, the ECRAN can support action by promoting greater coordination and information sharing between the ECRAN beneficiaries, and by promoting that adaptation considerations will be addressed in all relevant policies.

Emphasis will be placed on climate change impacts that transcend borders of ECRAN beneficiaries, such as with river basins. In addition, the ECRAN activities will include the identification of existing and new mechanisms that allow the regions most affected by climate change are capable of taking the necessary measures to adapt.

The Commission adopted an EU adaptation Strategy in April 2013. Complementing the activities of Member States, the strategy supports action by promoting greater coordination and information-sharing between Member States, and by ensuring that adaptation considerations are addressed in all relevant EU policies.

In line with the EU adaptation Strategy, ECRAN will focuses on three key objectives:

- Promoting action by ECRAN beneficiaries: The Adaptation Working of ECRAN group will encourage all beneficiaries to adopt comprehensive adaptation strategies and will provide support to help them build up their adaptation capacities and take action.
- Promoting 'Climate-proofing' action by further promoting adaptation in key vulnerable sectors such as agriculture, forestry, water management, nature protection, ensuring that the infrastructure is made more resilient.
- Better informed decision-making by addressing gaps in knowledge about adaptation. ECRAN will address adaptation action by aligning adaptation activities with the European climate adaptation platform (Climate-ADAPT) as the 'one-stop shop' for adaptation information in Europe

Under this Working Group, the following specific tasks are being implemented:

- Tasks 4.1: Best practices on adaptation and regional training on vulnerability assessments

- Task 4.2: Support for the identification of adaptation options