

ECRAN, being the follow-up programme to Regional Environmental Network for Accession (RENA) will build on the results achieved in the period 2010 – 2013 and will further focus on sharing EU experiences to facilitate the development of national climate policies converging with EU acquis. This would include EU experience on modelling and scenarios work, development of national climate strategies, cost- benefit analyses, as well as on setting up of GHG targets, while taking into account the experiences and application of EU Climate and Energy Package (in particular the requirements of the EU Effort- Sharing Decision), the need to feed into the 2015 international climate agreement as well as into the expected EU 2030 climate and energy framework. Particular emphasis will be placed on harmonising approaches to data collection and processing, including building on existing processes such as national communications. The project team will continue with the organisation of national high level events, but on specific topics to be selected, including sharing experiences on the economics of climate change mitigation and adaptation.

The activities in the Climate area under ECRAN are being implemented through the following Working Groups:

1. Climate Policy Development and Building Climate Awareness
2. GHG Inventory Systems and the EU Monitoring Mechanism Regulation
3. Emissions Trading
4. Adaptation