ECRAN covers 8 beneficiary countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo*1, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkey. Due to the cross border character
of many environmental ad climate issues, involvement of the EU MS, and most prominently EU MS that
border the beneficiary countries, will be promoted.
ECRAN beneficiary countries are at different levels of transposition, implementation and enforcement
of the environmental acquis. These differences are caused by different initial levels of development,
national and international political decisions or complications, budgetary potential, etc.
Over the last decade, significant progress has been made in strengthening environmental protection in
the SEE region, yet much remains to be done, mostly in terms of meeting the administrative, financial
and technical preconditions for proper implementation of environmental and climate legislation.
All ECRAN countries are facing similar problems in this process, including lack of capacity for both,
proper transposition and implementation/enforcement; absence of clear implementation and financial
strategies, and lack of financial resources required for the achievement of EU environmental and climate
standards. However, the level of alignment with EU environmental and climate acquis, as well as the
organizational structure and infrastructural preconditions in this sector are in correlation with their
current status in the EU accession process and, accordingly differ in each ECRAN country.