Energy and ecology Earth Nature Pollution and nature Protection of an environment

ECRAN (Environment and Climate Regional Accession Network) assists the beneficiaries on their way towards the transposition and implementation the EU environmental and climate policies and instruments as a key precondition for EU accession.

About us

ECRAN (Environment and Climate Regional Accession Network), financed by EU and managed by the European Commission, assists the beneficiaries in exchange of information and experience related to preparation for accession.
ECRAN is strengthening regional cooperation between the EU candidate countries and potential candidates in the fields of environment and climate action and assists their progress in the transposition and implementation of the EU environmental and climate acquis.
ECRAN builds on experience gained and results achieved by the RENA (Regional Environmental Network for Accession) in particular those related to environmental and climate investments, transposition and implementation of environmental and climate law, compliance and enforcement, local and regional initiatives, climate action, water management, waste management, air quality, industrial emissions, nature protection, EIA/SEA, NGO support and public participation.
ECRAN includes an environment component, a climate action component as well as the NGOs Environment Forum. The activities under each component are implemented through a system of Working Groups (WGs) as follows:

Environment Working Groups:
  1. Strategic Planning and Investments
  2. Water Management
  3. Environmental Assessments
  4. Air Quality
  5. Waste Management
  6. Nature Protection
  7. IED/ Chemicals

Climate Action Working Groups:
  1. Climate Policy Development and Building Climate Awareness
  2. GHG Inventory Systems and the EU Monitoring Mechanism Regulation
  3. Emissions Trading
  4. Adaptation

Cross-cutting Working Group for both environment and climate components:
  1. Enforcement and compliance (ECENA)
  2. Public participation – NGOs Environment and Climate Forum

Human Dynamics, Austrian consulting company, leading a consortium with four other international consultants (Niras IC (PLl), PlanMiljø (DK), WYG International (UK), WYG Turkey (TR)) is responsible for project implementation.

The link between the NGOs Environment Forum and the Regional Environmental Network for Accession (RENA) has proved to be very successful and useful, both for the participating NGOs and the public administration representatives. In order to enhance the cooperation between the civil society representatives and the public administration, it was decided to strengthen the public participation component of the ECRAN project by integrating the NGOs Environment and Climate Forum into the ECRAN project.
To apply for participation in a process that will result with selection of minimum 1 and at maximum 3 NGOs per beneficiary country to be represented in the Environment and Climate Forum please press the button above.